Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Give Religion Some Credit !

Believers will often claim that even atheists should recognise the good things that religion offers. For example, it provides comfort in times of distress, it gives meaning to lives, it gives people hope, encourages people to do good work.

In a way these things are true but they are false comforts, false hopes, false meanings and wrong reasons to do good.

A doctor could comfort a terminally ill patient by telling him he's cured - that's false comfort. People want to know the truth.

I might believe I'm going to win the lottery next week and so decide to give all my current money to the poor and needy. But whilst some good has come of my belief, it adds no value or significance to it. It's still a stupid and highly improbable belief.

There's no merit in false beliefs.

We are all Agnostics

Mr X is 99.99% certain god exists, he's an agnostic
Mrs X doesn't know and doesn't care, she's an agnostic
Ms Y is 99.99% certain there are no gods, she's an agnostic

The problem with "agnostic" is that it's virtually meaningless.
Taken to it's fullest literal meaning every sane person is an agnostic

Anybody who can't accept even the remotest possibility that they may be wrong about god(s) or pretty much anything is insane. Even the most fervent (un)believer must concede that, however unlikely, it's possible that they may have undetected brain damage, or may have been drugged or hypnotised, or may be hallucinating etc. Any of these conditions will affect perception and/or judgement.

I'm 99.99% certain there are no gods
I consider myself an atheist.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Good Christian vs Bad Moslem ?

Christians commonly claim that islam is an inherently violent religion, whereas christianity is rooted in peace.

I have no interest in making excuses for islam - nor any religion.

But christians are making false claims for their own faith. There are many examples of christian brutality conducted in the name of the christian faith.

The old testament is full of horrific crimes on massive scales - all committed under the direct guidance of god. The merciful and perfect god ?

In more recent history we had crusades, inquisitions, abusive missionaries, witch burnings etc. etc. that took place all around the world in the name of christianity.

Today we still have the persecution of homosexuals and the bombing of abortion clinics, in the name of christianity.

The modern examples involve a small minority of extremists.
Likewise, a small minority of extremists are responsible for islamic terrorism.

Claiming that islam is uniquely violent is inaccurate, divisive and therefore dangerous. It is likely to make mainstream moslems feel more isolated, persecuted and demonised than they already feel.

Free Will

Christians commonly claim that god granted us free will, and does not interfere with the daily lives of people.
We make our own choices.
That's why there is evil and suffering in the world.

So why pray for things ?
Wouldn't the answering of a prayer contradict the concept of non-intervention ?
Wouldn't intervention contradict the concept of free will ?
(even if not for the one praying, certainly for others affected)

If god is omniscient, he must know the future.
If god knows the future, he must know what we will do.
If god knows what we will do, it must be in some way pre-determined.
If our actions are pre-determined, we do not have free will.

Scientific / Creationist Methods

A key area of debate between sciencific and religious people is that of Evolution vs Creation.

The following differences soon become apparent in discussions on this hot topic.

Scientific approach: I wonder how this works?
Let's gather all the evidence we can can find and form some ideas, theories and conclusions to try and make sense of it all.

Creationist approach: God did it.
Let's see how we can interpret the evidence to fit our beliefs.
Or, when in trouble, let's see how we can re-interpret our book to incorporate the evidence.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Why all the suffering ?

I've never seen a satisfactory answer to this simple question.

Why, if there is a compassionate and merciful god, is there so much suffering in the world ?

The most common answer is that we have been granted free will, and gods do not interfere with the daily lives of people.

That's all well and good for the small minority of us adults that live in the priveliged parts of the world. My life is pretty much in control and I'm glad to have the free will to do as I wish (though I obviously don't believe any god granted it to me).

What about the starving millions in the 3rd World ? They have little opportunity to help themselves. OK, maybe we should use our free will to choose to help them - maybe...

What about the millions that die young, often very young, every year from incurable diseases ? There's literally nothing we can do for them.

What about the thousands that die every year as a result of earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, floods or other natural disasters completely beyond our control or powers of prediction ? There's literally nothing we can do for them.

What kind of a god would allow such regular and terrible tragedies to kill innocent men, women and children ?
It just doesn't make any sense.

Is God Willing/Able to prevent Evil ?

Is he willing, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

Why Worship and Pray ?

Why do believers feel it is necessary to prostrate themselves and worship at the feet of their gods ?
  • Would any true god need reminding of what he did ?
  • Would any true god need the ego-massage ?
  • Would any true god need reminding of how great he is ?
  • Would any true god like the simpering servitude ?

Why do believers pray to their gods ?
  • Wouldn't a true god already know what needs to be done ?
  • Wouldn't an answered prayer contradict the religious idea of non-intervention / free will ?
  • Do prayers really get answered ?
  • If so, what on earth are people praying for ?

I can't imagine why any god would not be appalled at all that snivelling, grovelling and begging.

What an absurd waste of time and energy.

Child Brainwashing

A despicable trait of religious people is that of indoctrinating children with their own beliefs.

Children are naturally trusting and will tend to believe what an adult tells them, particularly if that adult is a loved and trusted parent.

Believers are always keen to tell atheists that faith is a matter of personal choice, and that their choice should be respected.

In that case they should respect the personal choices of their children. They should ensure that their children are broadly educated about religions (and agnosticism and atheism), and then allow them to make their own choices when they have the knowledge and the maturity to do so.

Anything less is surely child abuse.

Why do believers care ?

Why do believers care what atheists say and think ?

It strikes me that, if believers really believe they are right, from their point of view they have the strongest and most powerful force imaginable on their side.

So why do they care what an atheist says - a mere person ?

How could an atheist possibly be a threat ?

Why do believers feel the need to defend their god ?

Does their god really need defending from an atheist ?

God+Believer vs Atheist
That's surely a pushover from a believer's point of view ?

Why do atheists care ?

Why do atheists care about religion ?

At first sight it might seem strange that an atheist spends time worrying or just thinking about religion.

Here's a great article by Sam Harris that explains it very well:

A Dissent - The Case Against Faith

Why Believe ?

I think everyone understands the attractions of religion:
  • A mighty being to look out for us;
  • All our good deeds will be rewarded;
  • All our bad deeds will be forgiven;
  • All bad things that happen have a deeper purpose;
  • And best of all we, and our loved ones, never really die.
That's quite a sales pitch.

It's not difficult to understand why some people are tempted to suspend critical thought and embrace these things.

But, suspending critical thought is surely a bad idea.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Science and Religion ?

Believers will often claim that religion and science are just different ways of looking at things. From this they deduce that it's possible to be scientific and religious without contradiction.

Here are some of the claims made for god(s):
  • created the universe;
  • created the earth, sea and sky;
  • created all life;
  • continues to affect the physical world.
All these things are very much part of science and are studied in great depth all around the world.

If god(s) exists he's the most important scientific fact there is.

The fact is that science has found no trace of any god to date.

God is incompatible with current scientific understanding.

Which is the true faith ?

All major religions:
  • have at least one powerful superbeing;
  • provide ancient tales to guide believers in life;
  • promise an extended existence after earthly death.

The difficulty is that they all insist that they are the one exclusively true faith, and that to believe in any other is a terrible sin with very serious consequences. So clearly it's absolutely vital to make the right choice - the most important decision in a religious life.

So how do people go about making this crucial decision - the most important decision imaginable ?

Simple observation shows that around 90% of believers just follow the faith they were most exposed to as a child.
It's a geographical / cultural lottery.

If you're brought up by Christians, you'll probably be a Christian.
If you're brought up by Moslems, you'll probably be a Moslem.
If you're brought up by Hindus, you'll probably be a Hindu.
etc. etc.

And you'll spend your life insisting that your way is right and all others are wrong.

Surely even a believer must see the absurdity in that.

Atheist Morals

It's commonly asked "why do we have morals if there's no God ?"

It can easily be shown that good morals have a survival advantage - and so would be likely to evolve naturally.

Imagine two remote tribes of ancient cave people:
  • one a gang of ruthless individuals who contantly steal from each other, rape each other and kill each other;
  • the other a group that cooperate, help each other and respect each other's rights.
Which tribe is likely to progress furthest and fastest ?

When these tribes eventually meet and the inevitable conflict arises, which will have developed better hunting tools and weapons ? Which will be better coordinated and united in a common purpose ? Which has the better chance of producing the offspring that form the future ?

I'm not suggesting that moral behaviour emerged at such a late stage in our past - this example is just to illustrate a point.

Moral behaviour generally brings rewards over the longer term.

Immoral behaviour can bring short term rewards but generally with long term penalties (punishment, revenge, isolation etc.)

Moral behaviour is a good strategy for getting your genes into the next generation. That's not to say that a minority of immoral people can't survive and procreate very nicely by exploiting the trust of the majority. We all know these people but they tend to be unsettled roamers as they always need to find new victims that don't know their ways.

Read some Game Theory.